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What is Microblading & Nanoblading?


Microbladed eyebrows is a semi-permanent makeup technique similar to eyebrow tattooing, but not as invasive and far more advanced. The procedure is carried out with a manual, hand-held microblading tool (a blade consisting of 12 tiny needles) which is used to make thin incisions in the epidermis of the skin that look like natural brow hairs. The results are very realistic and beautifully natural.​​​​​​​


Nanoblading - the end result is very similar to microblading but the process getting there is different. A semi-permanent makeup machine is used to create the tiny realistic brow hairs in the skin. This method causes less trauma to the skin and is the preferred way of creating beautiful hairstroke eyebrows for many artists.



Does it hurt?

There can be slight discomfort initially as the first pass is done. After that, numbing agents can be applied completely numbing the area for the rest of the procedure.​​HOW LONG DOES MICROBLADING LAST?​ Around 2-3 years, after which the brows fade away as the pigments are broken down by the body. Annual top-ups are strongly advised and are half the price of the original procedure. ​​



Why choose a Phibrows artist?

Phibrows artists produce great work because they follow a very specific method that is taught to them through a rigorous 6 month training course. This course requires the artist to pass 11 levels of mastery to ensure that their methods and their work maintain a very high standard… the Phibrows standard!​​



Who is a good candidate for microblading & nanoblading?

​The best candidates for getting microbladed eyebrows are people who have overplucked or patchy, sparse brows or no brow hairs at all, but want to have fuller and thicker eyebrows.It is essentially for anyone who uses eyebrow makeup products every day.Microbladed brows are also a great solution for people who suffer from alopecia, or who have lost their brow hairs from chemotherapy or postpartum hair loss etc. The treatment works best on people with normal to dry skin. Microblading oily skin is problematic, sometimes the pigment is ‘rejected’ by oily skin, and the microbladed eyebrows don’t last as long.​​



Who is not a good candidate for microblading & nanoblading?

  • People with uncontrolled diabetes (doctor's note will be requested)

  • People with serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, or autoimmune disorders

  • People undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy (wait 6-8 weeks post treatment)

  • People with any bleeding disorders

  • People who take blood-thinning medications

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • People with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring

  • People with viral infections or diseases

  • People with skin infections near the area to be treated

  • People with very greasy skin *opt for powder brows instead​​​​



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